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Brush seals: Product Portfolio

What makes MTU’s brush seals so special is that the sealing element and seal housing are designed separately, which permits the seals to be optimally adapted to the specific installation conditions and the requirements of our customers. This high level of flexibility results in a variety of design options.

Our sealing elements

HXX (Haynes) sealing element

Haynes 25

  • Wire diameter 0.07 mm: 100 Bpmm (bristles per mm)
  • Wire diameter 0.07 mm: 200 Bpmm (bristles per mm)
  • Wire diameter 0.10 mm: 140 Bpmm
  • Wire diameter 0.15 mm: 50 Bpmm


Design features:

  • Wire direction optional (radial/axial)
  • Sealing element form optional (also three-dimensional)
  • No limitation as to size

Seal type, dimensions and installation conditions (pdf)

KXX (Kevlar) sealing element

Aramide (Kevlar)

  • Bristle diameter 0.012 mm: 4,000 Fpmm (fibers per mm)
  • Bristle diameter 0.012 mm: 6,350 Fpmm (fibers per mm)




Design features:

  • Angular direction optional (radial/axial)
  • Sealing element form optional (also three-dimensional)
  • No limitation as to size

Seal type, dimensions and installation conditions (pdf)

Inconel 718

Inconel 718

  • Wire diameter 0.07 mm; 100 Bpmm (bristles per mm)
  • Wire diameter 0.07mm; 200 Bpmm (bristles per mm)





Design features:

  • Wire direction optional (radial/ axial)
  • Sealing element form optional (also three-dimensional)
  • No limitation as to size

In the next step, these two sealing element types (HXX and KXX) are fitted in housings
to produce the various MTU brush seal types.

Housing types


Housing: sheet-metal part
Material: metal
Diameter (mm): < 300

Seal type, dimensions and installation conditions (pdf)


Housing: turned part
Material: metal
Diameter (mm): < 650

Seal type, dimensions and installation conditions (pdf)


Housing: turned part split
Material: metal
Diameter (mm): > 150

Seal type, dimensions and installation conditions (pdf)


Housing: turned part
Material: metal
Diameter (mm): < 650

Seal type, dimensions and installation conditions (pdf)


Housing: injection-molded part
Material: PEEK
Diameter (mm): < 250

Seal type, dimensions and installation conditions (pdf)


Housing/material: without housing; installed in customer part with push-fit metal strip
Diameter (mm): > 300

Seal type, dimensions and installation conditions (pdf)


Housing: sheet-metal part
Material: metal
Diameter (mm): < 300

Seal type, dimensions and installation condition (pdf)


Housing: sheet-metal part
Material: metal
Diameter (mm): > 300

Seal type, dimensions and installation conditions (pdf)


Housing/material: without housing; installed directly in customer part
Diameter (mm): optional

Seal type, dimensions and installation conditions (pdf)

Customers can choose from a variety of brush seal designs or have the brush seals tailored to suit their individual needs. Our experts are at your disposal anytime to answer your detailed questions relating to special applications: